STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education, while STEAM integrates STEM subjects with the art of design in education. Our focus on these areas is deliberate, as the skills and knowledge in each discipline are crucial for student success. Moreover, these fields are intricately connected to the real world and enhance how students learn most effectively.
Rather than teaching these four disciplines as separate and isolated subjects, STEM integrates them into a unified learning program centered around real-world applications.
A report by STEMconnector.org projects a need for 8.65 million workers in STEM-related jobs by 2018. Our mission is to prepare and empower kids to fill these spots, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in these critical and growing fields.

STEM education stats
Here is a quick look at a few of the more popular STEM stats, with details below.
1. STEM jobs are projected to grow 13% Between 2017 and 2027, the number of STEM jobs will grow 13 percent, compared to 9 percent for non-STEM jobs—with positions in computing, engineering, and advanced manufacturing leading the way. (Via Change the Equation)
Overall, since 1990, employment in STEM occupations has grown 79%—increasing from 9.7 million to 17.3 million. (Via Pew Research Center)
2. The average median hourly wage for STEM jobs is $38.85.Compared to the median earning for all other types of jobs in the US - $19.30 - STEM-related jobs pay exceptionally well. (Via Change the Equation)
3. Out of 100 STEM occupations, 93% of them had wages above the national average. The national average for STEM job annual salaries is $87,570, whereas the national average for non-STEM occupations sits at roughly half—$45,700. (Via the Bureau of Labor Statistics) So, there IS an increasing demand for STEM jobs...
4. The US placed 38th of 71 countries in math and 24th in science. This is according to the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)—which is regarded as one of the biggest cross-national tests of its kind. (Via the Pew Research Center; Pew also just published these 7 facts about the STEM workforce on 1/9/18)
5. Of 35 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the US ranks 30th in math and 19th in science. (Via the Pew Research Center)
6. Only 36% of all high school grads are ready to take a college-level science course. (Via the National Math & Science Initiative)
7. US universities are expected to produce only 29% of the required number of grads. That is, to fill the 1.4 million computer specialist job openings. (Projected by the US Department of Labor) But it seems the education system isn't producing candidates...
8. 74% of middle school girls express an interest in engineering, science, and math... However, only 0.3% choose computer science as a major when they get to college. (Via girlswhocode.org)
9. Women make up only 18% of computer science undergrads. Even though women earn 57% of all bachelor’s degrees, only 18% of undergrad computer science degrees go to females (According to the National Center for Education Statistics)
10. Girls’ interest in STEM peaks in middle school, but drops off in high school. A Microsoft survey conducted in Europe found that girls gain interest in STEM at age 11, but then lose that interest at age 15 (Via Microsoft). The combination of social factors and lack of access can be understood as culprits. Thus, women are vastly underrepresented in STEM...
11. “African-American and Latino workers also now represent 29 percent of the general workforce population (up from about 24 percent in 2001)...
But just 16 percent of the advanced manufacturing workforce, 15 percent of the computing workforce, and 12 percent of the engineering workforce.” (US News, 2015)
12. Minority women participation in STEM at the collegiate level: Engineering, 3.1%; Physical Sciences, 6.5%, Mathematics, 5.4%, Computer Science, 4.8%. (Via the National Girls Collaborative Project) And, many minorities are also underrepresented, with a number of reports and quotes on the percentages of minorities in STEM.
Why Robotics?
Robotics is increasingly being considered as the fourth “R” of learning, “Reading, wRriting and aRithmatic” that modern-day students must understand to succeed in a highly competitive, technology-driven world. Robotics integrates all STEM fields in way no other subject can cover. Robotics is the mother of all subjects. It integrates mechanical, electrical, electronics, control engineering, computer science, technology, math and science.
You will discover breakthrough technologies in Robotics. Immerse yourself in the most forward-looking discipline of our time. Makes learning fun, engaging, and inspiring. Provides highly practical hands-on experience. Gives a head-start in preparing for high school and college. Develops critical thinking skills and problem solving strategies. Enables learner to develop and express creativity.
Develops the ability to work collaboratively in teams. Helps your student develop an intuitive understanding of physical concepts in science and math. Helps to excel in math and science and choose a career in science and technology. Enables learner to appreciate and realize technology. Builds confidence and self-esteem. Prepares your student for the fast-paced competitive world.